Thursday, 23rd November 2017

Keynote Address: The Future Role of CRO

Role Enhancement 1: CRO as a Differentiator in today's landscape

Bringing the big picture perspective: Future of Risk and its impact on CRO

Strategic Insight 2: Best Practices in Interaction of CRO with various Stakeholders

Reflective Presentation: Where do company and CRO goes wrong in Implementing ERM

Panel Discussion: Unique ways industries follow for an effective risk management

Critical Role of CRO 1: Cyber security: Identifying the risks and solutions

Critical Role of CRO 2: Big data and risk management: Measure, Monitor, Benchmark

Strategic Insight: Future Risk Teams

Strategic Insight: Building effective BCP program in new dynamic Risk age

Panel Discussion: The Evolving nature of the Chief Risk Office in Board Decisions and Interaction

CRO Leadership Awards